The story
“Metamorphosis” presents an intriguing contrast between two styles of flower depiction. On the right side, the flowers are well-defined and refined, with distinct white petals. These petals create a three-dimensional effect, standing out in relief against the abstract background. The flowers are arranged vertically, with clear details and precise lines, giving them a sense of delicacy and purity.
In contrast, on the left side of the painting, the flowers are roughly sketched, in a raw, unfinished style. They are made up of broad strokes and less defined textures, almost blending into the background, suggesting an idea of beginning or formation.
This contrast between the clearly defined flowers on the right and the raw ones on the left creates an interesting balance in the composition, evoking a sense of transition between form and non-form, between the initial state and full definition.
Technical specifications
“Metamorphosis” is a unique textured painting, meticulously crafted on canvas and anchored within a wooden frame, accented with acrylic colors. The textures add depth and refinement to this relief painting, transforming it into a centerpiece for your living room.
This artwork is ready for display, with a complete finish, though a simple frame can be added for extra effect. Equipped with everything needed for hanging, and measuring an impressive 60×60 cm, this painting is designed to become the focal point of any setting.