Exhibition of Floral Paintings at the National Conference of Gemmotherapy, Sibiu 2024

Between the 4th and 6th of October 2024, I had the honor of participating in the National Conference of Gemmotherapy, organized by the National Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy, in Sibiu. During this event, I had the pleasure of showcasing my paintings, inspired by the beauty of flowers and nature.

This conference was a wonderful experience where I met people passionate about nature and health, who know how to appreciate the riches offered by the surrounding environment. Through my works, I aimed to pay tribute to nature and share the vibrant energy that flowers emanate.

Throughout the event, I was surrounded by warmth and appreciation from those who visited my exhibition. I felt truly inspired and energized by the enthusiastic conversations and the strong connection I experienced with art and nature lovers.

I sincerely thank you all for your kind words and for being part of this heartfelt project. I hope my paintings managed to convey the joy and beauty of nature, just as I see it.

With gratitude,

Workshop, Arad, April 17 2024

Our workshop hosted talented students from the Netherlands and Romania, with diverse specializations such as medicine, psychology, business, and physics. I was impressed by their desire to create and transform emotion into art. Their professional training subtly influenced their artistic creations, enriching and diversifying them in a unique and different way.

During the five hours we spent together, time flew by as I had the opportunity to introduce them to the art of ceramics. The students created jewelry and mixed media works on canvas, exploring their creativity in a new and captivating way.

Parting was filled with regret, as they all had to return to their universities.

However, they promised to come back, a sign that this workshop brought them joy and inspiration. It was truly a pleasure to see their enthusiasm and to contribute to their emotional expression through art.

Exhibition: “Spring”, 25 May – 10 June 2024

We warmly invite you to discover the beauty of spring in a dream setting! The painting exhibition “Spring” awaits you to explore a collection of 20 remarkable floral paintings, organized in a historic castle within the Macea University Complex of Vasile Goldiș Western University of Arad, surrounded by a splendid 20-hectare botanical garden.

Vernissage: The Castle of Macea was the scene of the “Spring” exhibition opening for a day. In a welcoming atmosphere, to the rhythms of Chopin, surrounded by dear people, family, friends, artists, university colleagues who love beauty, Anca Hermenean presented her works created in intimacy, away from the hustle and bustle of academic and social life, in an exclusive dialogue with herself.

The opening was conducted by two renowned painters, Corneliu-Victor Artimon and Ioan Kett Groza, on May 25, 2024. These talented artists captured the essence and splendor of spring flowers in their unique works.

Artists’ Statements:

– “In her hands, leaves, flowers, moss, stones, and ceramics become important natural elements that, in harmony with the fascination of colors, create a continuous dialogue between the artist and the nature that fuels her research. Anca Hermenean’s art is not just an escape from the ordinary, but an extension of her work as a biologist. Each composition is an intimate conversation with natural materials, a rendition of impressions and feelings experienced during the wonderful moments of creation,” said Prof. Corneliu Artimon.

– “An exhibition where the floral theme is dominant can only delight the eye and soul. With the help of colors, possessing a native sense, the finished product lives through the author. I emphasize that we have before us a person who enjoys nature, who is enchanted by the transformations of tones, from the barely emerging green transformed into a tonic green, the magic of chlorophyll together with the chromatic rain of flower petals make the author display her feelings in paintings, the visual art helping Anca Hermenean proclaim her love for nature,” said Prof. Ioan Kett Groza.

Exhibition period: 25 May – 10 June 2024

Location: Castle of Macea, surrounded by the botanical garden

Period: 25 May 2024 – 10 June 2024

Schedule: 10:00 – 16:00

We look forward to having you join us and celebrate spring through art in a fairytale setting!