UVVG Prorector Anca Hermenean at the first painting opening

MACEA. The Castle of Macea was for one day the scene of the opening of the artist Anca Hermenean, pro-rector of the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad. In a welcoming setting, to the rhythms of Chopin, surrounded by loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, lovers of beauty, Anca Hermenean presented her works made in privacy, far from the hustle and bustle of academic and social life, in an exclusive dialogue with the self. Her native talent, discovered at the age of maturity, is reflected in each work.

“In the unexpected silence of the isolation of the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found in art a refuge for the soul and an ally against anxiety. When the world slowed down, I rediscovered myself through art, in tones and textures, intertwining my emotions with the positive vibrancy of color. My garden, with its brightly coloured pots, became my outdoor studio, the place where observations of nature were transformed into artistic works,” says Prof. Hermenean.

With refinement, elegance and at the same time simplicity, each of Anca Hermenean’s works manages to transport the viewer into a certain state.

“Sometimes it seems to me that when I’m working, I go into a trance and then look at the result of my hands and wonder, did I really do that? By freely experimenting with different techniques and materials, my dialogue with the elements of nature becomes visual art,” said the author of the opening.

This time as an artist, Anca Hermenean was visibly moved by the number of people who were happy with her success, as she said that after so many speeches to people in her 12 years as pro-rector of the UVVG, this time the emotions were different.

“The works of my colleague and friend Anca Hermenean are a joy to behold. Each of her works of art is a symbol of beauty and elegance. The fact that we gathered in such a large number is a testament to the fact that Anca is a professional and a consummate human being. I am happy that we can be with her at such a special moment and I wish that this opening will be followed by many others. My heartfelt congratulations”, said Prof. Dr. habil. Coralia Adina Cotoraci, UVVG rector.

Prof. Corneliu Artimon and Prof. Ioan Kett Groza spoke about the artist and his works.

“In his hands, leaves, flowers, moss, stones and ceramics become important natural elements that in harmony with the fascination of colours create a continuous dialogue between artist and nature that feeds his research. Anca Hermenean’s art is not just an escape from the everyday, but an extension of her work as a biologist. Each composition is an intimate conversation with natural materials, a rendering of the impressions and feelings experienced in the wonderful moments of creation”, said Prof. Corneliu Artimon.

“An exhibition in which the floral theme is dominant can only delight the eye and the soul. With the help of colours, possessing a native sense, the finished product lives through the author. I emphasize that we have in front of us a person who enjoys nature, who delights in the transformation of tones, from the green barely simmered and transformed into a tonic green, the magic of chlorophyll together with the chromatic rain of flower petals make the author display her feelings in paintings, visual art helping Anca Hermenean to proclaim her love for nature”, said Prof. Ioan Kett Groza.

You can enter the glamorous world of Prof. Anca Hermenean and find out the story behind each painting by visiting Nature Art – Rediscover Nature in 3D Art.

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