Caribbean Corals (2)

Idyllic scenes of the beaches of Yucatan, Mexico were the inspiration for this painting, with hand-shaped ceramic corals and sea pebbles bringing the essence of the Caribbean into the art.

27×27 cm.

450.00 TAX included



The story

On holiday in 2014, I visited the beautiful shores of the Yucatan Peninsula near Cancun, Mexico with my family. There, I was enchanted by the white sandy beaches, washed by turquoise waters and occasionally adorned with marine gifts in the form of coral, which became the inspiration for this painting.

Have you ever wondered why walking on Caribbean white sands doesn’t burn? It’s because, unlike the hot yellow sand of the Black Sea, the sand here contains no silica.

As for the composition of the work: each coral was shaped by hand from ceramic and fixed into the painting with a special mixture of plaster and adhesive. The edge of the painting evokes the beach, complemented by small stones, souvenirs from the deep sea. I took great care to recreate the texture of the corals, especially the large, leafy one on the left and the two imposing ones at the bottom.

Technical specifications

“Corals of the Caribbean (1)” is an original work of art, hand-crafted from ceramic and finished with acrylic paint. Presented in a white frame, it can be either hung on the wall or placed on a flat surface, making it versatile for different spaces. The work is sealed with a special UV-resistant glaze to preserve the vibrant colours of the ceramics and acrylics.

The 27x27cm frame, with a depth of 5 cm, is designed to protect the three-dimensional elements of ceramic corals.

Dimension 27×27 cm.

UV protected

Fastening system
Reviews (1)

1 review for Caribbean Corals (2)

  1. S. Sergiu

    La început, eram destul de sceptic în legătură cu achiziționarea unui tablou 3D cu scoici. Îmi imaginam că va arăta destul de nepotrivită în decorul meu. Totuși, odată ce am văzut-o în realitate, am fost complet surprins de cât de bine arată. Fiecare scoică este plasată cu atenție, adăugând un farmec unic și o notă de eleganță discretă. Calitatea este, de asemenea, remarcabilă. S-a integrat perfect în spațiul meu, aducând o bucată din frumusețea mării direct în sufrageria mea. Acum, pot spune cu mâna pe inimă că este una dintre cele mai bune achiziții pe care le-am făcut. Recomand cu căldură oricui caută să adauge un strop de natură și originalitate în casa sa.

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